CD-roms, DVDs, incidental music
EVE extracts (LOADS of them, including "Ladybugs" and plenty more)
It Is Accomplished (movie remix 4:26) (taken from the movie)
Burn You Up (Myst Version)
Straight As An Arrow (From Xplora, early version of 'Burn You Up, Burn You Down) = Burn You Up ( 0:41 version) (Xplora)
A Taste of Lime (From Xplora)
Adam (Swatch Clock Melody)
Growing Up Live menus (new and remixed tracks)
Play menus (shock the monkey, digging in the dirt, lovetown and in your eyes: new instrumental mixes/new versions)
Curtains (Myst remix, on Myst IV – Revelation game, in credits, and upon entering “the Dream” for the first time)